-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Configuration/System Information The following type of system is required to play Walls of Rome: IBM-PC/AT 12 Mhz '286 or faster (or 100% compatible system) 640 K Memory Hard Drive 256 Color VGA graphics Mouse, 100% Microsoft (or Logitech) Compatible Available Memory above the 640K memory should be configured as XMS memory not EMS memory as Walls of Rome requires 2 MB XMS memory for the digitized sound effects and music on Adlib, Sound Blaster, and compatible sound boards. Memory programs such as QEMM, 368MAX, etc could possible cause conflicts if not properly configured. If problems exist in playing the game, try editting CONFIG.SYS file, AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or create boot disk to load without these to narrow down problem cause(s). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF FILE